There are made during the computer graphics master's degree. But there's more to come.

The goal here was to understand how to mesh and subdivide genus-0 items such as spheres.
Sphere can be either generated with sphere equations or approached via an icosahedron.
Finally we had to make a shader to locally visualize difference between real sphere coordinates and the approximations from our spheres subdivision.

In a first time it was about implementing the blossoming of 1D B-Splines to get a polyline driven 1D curve in a 3D space.
In a second time was implemented the tensor product of 2 B-Splines to get a regular quad mesh driven 2D surface in a 3D space.

I've had the great opportunity to join Feral Interactive as a conclusion for my Master's degree, the internship lasted for 6 months.
Here is my Master's thesis and the presentation that goes with it, shaped as an introductory log book of my tasks there.
The topic on which I worked for 10 weeks at the bateriology lab of Teaching Hospital Gabriel Montpied in Clermont-Ferrand.

The last semester of the DUT degree includes an internship of 10 weeks in which I developed a python pipeline.
It's called TTRaVDAP for "Trimming, Typing, Resistance and Virulence genes and plasmids Detection, Assembly, Phylogeny".
Basically, using existing state of the art, it take as input bacteria genetic sequences and virulent genes databases and outputs detection and phylogeny.
Here are some miscellanous code pieces which may end up being more serious projects.

On November 2017, the Mozilla foundation took the choice to drop old XUL/XPCOM technologies in favor of the WebExtension API.
Sadly discovering that both ShowIP and Flagfox weren't supported, I decided to take a shot at this.

Pygenere is a simple python implementation of Vigènere cipher encryption and decryption I used for a work assignment about vigenère cryptanalysis parallelization.